CC & CT:

Warnings to All Humans!

The time has come. It should be a unanimous decision we can neither turn our backs on, nor walk away from. Cosmington will soon be invading all homes on the planet with the followings:

- “Cosmingtolendar” (CC) which is a synonym of Cosmingtonian Calendar.

- “Cosmingtonock” (CT) which is a synonym of Cosmingtonian Time.

Hence, you are advised to put on your amours against any possible “Cosmingtophobia” we think might likely spin your invaluable senses of styles and mental sovereignties astray. Here are some very important followings for which to stay awake…

Since the cradle and age of the Egyptian civilization, humans have always organized their earthly days with zealous timing and dating rigors. Droves of civilizations that thrived with Mathematics, Astronomy, Hourglasses and Sundials etc. have all come and gone. However, what they left behind amongst a multitude of many is one that tends to afflict our present day realities with incompetence vis-à-vis timing and specifically dating. We have been plunged into the very realm of what I would call “clever-foolishness” when it comes to the basic comprehension of simple Arithmetic. This is not to cast aspersions on the ancients, but only to unravel in mist of all perspirations, the aspirations and hence desperation of all post-posterities we are definitely a part of.

It is a fact that the entire human race and its history has been through many upheavals far beyond a typical human imagination. There must have been times when we all at one time or another sit in solitude pondering on issues, which have forever been able to bestride our world of collections and recollections, like a colossus.

I have no doubt that the human race is a mob race. It is a mob race due to the nature of the human brain. The human brain is too dependent on complexities that are uncountable and mysteriously interwoven. If you don‘t mind joining my journey for a moment, how come we still cling to the minuses and pluses in the name of BC and AD as far as the severally aforementioned timing and dating are concerned?

I am a proud Christian. It breaks my heart to declare I am a Christian for a simple reason. The simple reason is that I am not supposed to be the one to profess such an acknowledgement on my own. Let alone dive into a fabric theme that is anchored on my future activities as the Cosmingtologist.

However, let me wield this seemingly disingenuous license to declare in and on behalf of all historical founders, saints, sages and avatars, a new timing and dating whose time has come, for our collective bests.

Oh humans, let me let you in on this indispensable. It is all about the CC dating alignments, the CT timing configurations, their convenience and millennial compatibility. The fact is we have been either unwilling or unable to admit that we are time and date robbed. We keep allowing a pendulum of 4000 years to swing high and low at the mercy of inconvenient convenience.

Why should I entertain the fear of been regarded psychiatric if I claim today to be the 30th of Cosmingtonirgo (September in the Cosmingtolendar), 6011 CC? Please, tell me I am not psychiatric. Yes, I say I am not psychiatric as I present to all, these substantial proofs of not been psychiatric, with this era-defining emergence.

It is a fact that the existing timing and dating systems are of too much of self-robbery. This behavior must have sprung out of domestication, not education. Proper education is seriously needed to rescue humans from these self-manipulative ways. The name of this proper education in Cosmingtology is called “Cosmingtocation”.

Cosmingtocation of the mind has to start with proper timing and dating regulations. Yes, it is time for the Julian setting which has done a lot for all recent and current civilizations to metamorphose. And this metamorphosis must have no other choice than to go Cosmingtonian.

These rare breed of futuristic timing configurations and dating alignments will have star-struck fans. Come on, you are likely knowingly or unknowingly going to be one of them too. Very put, they should not leave your attention alone. These are uncommon commodities to behold because they are the symbols of Cosmingtonian whose addictive desires for excellence know no limits.

Don’t you worry? Mama remains the great cook. Mama will always prepare the meals. Guess what is going to be doing the timing and dating? Gee, the Cosmingtonock, Cosmingtonoll, Cosmingtonatch and Cosmingtolendar etc…

By all means, be the first to go for them if you have the means. More details about these valuable, fanciful and reliable timing and dating pieces shall be revealed as years and decades rock and roll by.

The earliest of these blue, green, red and yellow colored commodities will be flying, sailing, railing, driving and walking into your vicinities by either omissions or commissions. Soonest.

You are warned!


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The Cosmingtologist

