This is my message to
Lorastara M. (LUNATIC)
15.04.6014 CC.
Bestiality in the heart of cyber Canada.
JOHN 17:12.,
There are always daughters and sons of destructions to want to ruin themselves, their people and the world with any gigantic blessing we put in front of you once a while. This is truly beyond the confines of laws, order and morality. Forget the fact that the name “COSMINGTON” has been trademarked in line with the German laws and international copyright treaties for some moments. WHERE does this behavior spring from? WHO is behind you? WHAT is influencing you? HOW much have you been paid? WHY would one woman like you want to destroy CANADA? DOES it not matter the good works it does round the world? This could cost you your life.
COSMINGTON was spun into the orbit of humans and world peace decades ago. I have always told all and sundry never to name any PERSON, PLACE or THING with “COSMINGTON”, “COSMINGTONIA” and all their derivatives. Please tell me you have never ever called that dog COSMINGTON. But then why would any human being with a mind and spirit name an animal “Cosmos” in the first place, talk less COSMINGTON?
Google the noun “COSMINGTON” and click on the image menu. What you have on that page is the very exploitation and holocaust of helpless creatures called dogs. Please, tell me you know the difference between dogs and the ALMIGHTY GOD. Please tell me POPES are no puppies (dogs).
Heart wrenchingly, I may never know if there are animals called CANADA, WASHINGTON, ENGLAND, SYDNEY, PARIS, MOSCO, ISRAEL, GOOGLE, YAHOO and MICROSOFT to mention but a few, round the world. There are names humans must not bear! There are names animals must never bear!! This kind of LAWLESS FREEDOM is enough to destroy individuals, nations and the world ahead of time!!!
I did download your picture. I almost did weep for you and your beautiful country CANADA. I did forgive you and CANADA. I did delete your picture.
Likewise, I urge you in the name of WORLD PEACE to delete the noun “COSMINGTON” from your life and all your works. I urge you in the name of WORLD PEACE to rename that dog. I urge you in the name of WORLD PEACE to pray to that energy that first ignited life on earth, to forgive you and CANADA.
The Cosmingtologist